Workers' Compensation

What Is the Waiting Period for Workers’ Comp in Arkansas?

When workers get hurt on the job, they might be unable to work for weeks or months until they recover. Sometimes, these workers can’t ever return to work because their injuries are so severe. Fortunately, Arkansas law requires most employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance for their employers.  Workers’ comp in Arkansas provides benefits for injured employees, such as...

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Wrongful Death

Can You Sue A Hospital For Wrongful Death?

Regrettably, some people can be admitted to a hospital for a non-life-threatening ailment, and never make it out.  When a loved one dies unexpectedly while admitted to a hospital, questions often arise as to whether they received appropriate medical care.  In those situations, consulting with a wrongful death attorney, who has experience in handling wrongful death cases, can help...

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Personal Injury

Construction Accidents and the Applicable OSHA Regulations

A Construction Accident Lawyer must be familiar with all of the laws that apply to workplace injuries, including the standards established by OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  These standards are official rules and regulations that are legally binding.  If an employer violates any of the OSHA standards, and that violation leads to the personal injury of an...

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Workers' Compensation

How to File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Oklahoma

If you were recently injured at work, you may be wondering how to file a workers’ comp claim in Oklahoma. You have come to the right place. This article discusses the steps to take to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to as well as how long you have to file a workers’ comp claim. Remember, the...

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Workers' Compensation

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) in an Arkansas Workers’ Comp Claim

Under Arkansas law, when you are injured while at work, you may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The purpose of these benefits is to provide monetary compensation while you recover from your injuries until you are able to return to work.  Notably, however, the benefits you may be entitled to receive could change over time as you...

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Social Security Disability

Overview of Disabled Widow Insurance Benefits

No matter the circumstances, losing a spouse can be devastating, both financially and emotionally. However, matters can feel especially challenging when the surviving spouse also has a disability and relied on the income of their spouse as a result.  In these scenarios, you may be entitled to disabled widow benefits to help you move forward in the aftermath of...

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Car Accidents

Am I Responsible If I Lend My Car and They Have an Accident?

Liability for car accidents can be tricky in nearly any situation, but when the at-fault driver doesn’t own the vehicle that caused the accident, the question of liability can be that much more complicated. So, before you let someone borrow your car, be sure to understand how you might be held responsible for any injuries or damages they may...

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Workers' Compensation

What Is A Second Injury Fund?

If you have ever filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, you may be familiar with the “Second Injury” Fund. The Second Injury Fund is a fund maintained by the State, which is subsidized by a surcharge imposed on the Employer’s Workers Compensation premiums. The purpose of the fund is to provide additional benefits to injured workers, under specific situations. Our...

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Auto Accidents

What If I Get Into a Car Accident with No Insurance in Missouri?

Getting into a car accident with no insurance can result in a number of penalties, such as fines, license suspension, and even jail time. However, the extent and severity of the consequences will also depend on who was at fault for causing the accident. Use our guide below to learn more about what to do if you’ve been in...

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How Does the ADA Affect My Social Security Disability Claim in Rogers, AR?

Missouri residents with disabilities face many challenges, including receiving appropriate benefits and accommodations at work. It is common for people who qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits to also be entitled to accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Let our Joplin, MO Social Security Disability attorneys explain the interplay between these two types of benefits available...

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